Each market day will offer a selection of 8oz bags of coffee beans, each of them hand-roasted throughout the week. Each week will feature a different variety of beans, each roasted to a level that lets the bean shine: Light (L), Medium-Light (ML), Medium-Dark (MD), or Dark (D).
Current Selection (12/26/2024)
Light, Medium-Light, Medium-Dark, Dark
Medium-Dark, Dark
Medium-Dark, Dark
Coffee beans are roasted require time to de-gas after being roasted, and hold their optimum freshness between 2 and 14 days after roast. If there are left-over roasts from the week before, they will be offered at a discounted price.
Each week will also include a Mystery Bag; mixed bag of coffee beans left over from all the roasts of the week of varying quality, offered at a heavy discount for anyone who shares Caleb’s adventurous spirit.
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